How To: Raspberry PI Web Cam Server

The Raspberry PI is perfectly equipped to turn your USB based webcam into a fully functional IP webcam that you can have lots of fun with, from there you could use tools such as Python to make your project more unique, I’m having a go at counting passing traffic. If you’re wanting to something a bit more simple you could just have a webcam that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, which is what you will end up with at the end of this guide. Your shopping list… Raspberry Pi with an OS installed USB Powered Hub – Amazon UK – Amazon US Important; This one worked for me, however, it’s not worked for others, you will find this is the case with a lot of the powered USB hubs, research before buying. We need a hub because the camera’s draw more power than the Raspberry Pi can actually provide, you see the same with some keyboards and USB dongles. Web Cam Microsoft HD – Amazon UK – Amazon US You could also look at an external power back and WiFi if you want to make it mobile, a few people have put these in a garden or … Continue reading How To: Raspberry PI Web Cam Server