Restart Finder on MAC

osx-finder-restartIf your like me and rarely turn off your computer (any further than a ‘sleep’) then your OSX finder can get a bit buggy, so it’s always good to have an idea on how to restart the process.

Also there might be some other times that you want to do this; for example I just accidently did “Get Info” on 120 video files that I have thinking that would give me the total size, it doesn’t! Instead you just get 120 windows with the information for each video (see screenshot at bottom of the post), and the Mac goes crazy because it tries to generate a preview on each one…

Good news is that rebooting the finder process doesn’t re-open the get info planes, but does open all of your current folders again.

So lets get down to the business;

  1. Use your propeller (?) key and tab (->) to swtich to an application other than finder
  2. Go to the Apple icon at the top right of your screen and click
  3. Go to “Force Quit”
  4. Click “Finder”
  5. Then click “ReLanuch”
  6. Sorted :)!

Screenshot of far too many Get Info’s open at once;

Too Many Windows

Technology enthusiastic with many ongoing online projects one of which is this personal blog PingBin. While also working full time within a data center designing and maintaining the network infrastructure.

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