CentOS Bash Patch – ShellShock

ShellSock – Patching

Unless you’ve been under a rock for the last few days you’ve probably heard about the new Bash exploit (CVE-2014-6271) ‘ShellShock’ that allows remote code execution through bash, because of the amount of servers and applications using the bash service it’s a fairly big deal in the security world.

How To Patch

Here’s a few simple commands to get your CentOS servers patched, please for your sake do this ASAP.

# Check if vulnerable
env x='() { :;}; echo Vulnerable system'  bash -c "echo Testing..."
 Vulnerable system
# If you need to access the web via a proxy, add that here.
nano ~/.bash_profile
export http_proxy=
# Apply the patch
yum update bash -y
# Remove proxy (if used
nano ~/.bash_profile
# export http_proxy=
# Check if vulnerable
env x='() { :;}; echo Vulnerable system'  bash -c "echo Testing..."

Any problems or questions, please leave a comment.

Technology enthusiastic with many ongoing online projects one of which is this personal blog PingBin. While also working full time within a data center designing and maintaining the network infrastructure.

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